September Stewards Minutes 2011

September 4, 2011


Present: Marjory Bankson (notetaker), Peter Bankson, Pat Conover, Jill Joseph (angel), David Lloyd, Sandra Miller (angel), Trish Nemore (moderator), Will Ramsey, Keith Seat, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove (worship), Jacqie Wallen.


Absent: Ken Burton, Lewise Busch, Cynthia Dahlin, Brenda Seat.


Housekeeping: meet October 2 at 5:30pm at the Conover-Nemore house.

Moderator: Deborah

Worship: Pat

Notetaker: David

Angels: M&P Bankson


Kate’s Memorial (Sept. 24): Trish (for Brenda)

Expecting many people, Glen will connect sound in kitchen and video downstairs. Someone (Koinonia?) will check with Torchinsky’s for additional parking. Decided not to ask CoS to send a single representative in favor of crowded hospitality and “we’ll just have to share.”


Building repairs: Deborah

Upper deck railing will be repaired before Kate’s memorial; cost may exceed amount in budget for T&S. Extension approved if needed.


Rental Co-housing: Jacqie

Reporting on Metro Co-housing new plan to build rental co-housing units, Jacqie urged Seekers to attend hearings Sept. 8 or Sept 26. She will send out an email with details.


Repaying Kate’s loan to Seekers: Marjory

FOG recommends full repayment by the end of January, 2012, using budget amount for 2011 plus any year-end surplus before using the maxi-cd ($100,000) from City First Bank and remainder from Seeker funds in OikoCredit. Recommendation approved.


Thanksgiving Baskets: Sandra

In partnership with Covenant Community, Sandra asked for approval of $3,000 in budget for “Partner Gift” be used to purchase supplies for up to 300 boxes of food at Thanksgiving (Approved).

• Sandra asked that we consider adding $2,000 beyond this amount (to be discussed next month).

• She also raised the possibility to Seekers taking over this project (which has been going for 25 years) if Covenant decides to disband. Stewards affirmed the value of working with Covenant on this direct-service project because of family involvement, racial diversity and chance to work together. Issues and questions: Could the care-pack group pick this up? Could we invite other Seeker-building churches? Could we move packing so it didn’t conflict with our worship? What would we lose without Covenant? How would we determine who should receive boxes? No decision was made.


CoS Bequest: $8,104.58

Since the bequest was specifically to help low-income people, the decision was made to add the entire amount to the Holy Spirit Fund for emergency use within the community.


Care-Pack Booklet: Peter

Explaining that the Care-Pack Team would be requesting sponsorship by Seekers at the next meeting, Peter passed out copies of their descriptive booklet to acquaint Stewards with the scope and organization of the group.


Information about Local Services

In response to an increasing number of people seeking help, Sandra shared her knowledge of food and shelter services in Montgomery County and agreed to list those services so we can have them available for persons who might be here when the doorbell rings.


Ecumenical Council: Keith

Keith described Becca Stelle’s letter to the Festival Center Board, and wondered whether we should engage some of the commitment questions which she raises about the CoS communities.

Pat suggested our part of that discussion might be “What is the larger strategy regarding CoS?” and others questioned the usefulness of the Festival Center for Seekers, citing our closer ties to Dayspring and Potter’s House. Stewards agreed that we would have energy for discussion with others in CoS about who we are now and where are we going.


Ritual of Recommitment in a Time of Change: Jill

After sharing her experience of commitment to Stewards, Jill returned the Seekers plant (given to the newest member) and offered a liturgy of recommitment for her transition and upcoming move to California.


Soul talk completed our time together.


Submitted by

Marjory Bankson

Sept 5, 2011

December Stewards Minutes 2011
August Stewards Minutes 2011