
Dayspring is a retreat center located on 206 acres of former farmland, now a rich
mosaic of woodlands, meadows, ponds, and stream valleys. Dayspring is owned by
Seekers and a few other faith communities who were part of the original Church of the
Saviour. It’s a place of reflection and renewal where Seekers gather for semi-annual
silent retreats; Easter sunrise and other special services; and workshops and events.
The Wellspring Conference Center at Dayspring provides a welcoming setting for
meetings and retreats. Similarly, Overlook Retreat House provides lodging for individual
or small group self-guided retreats and is open year-around.

The land is an oasis of quiet near Germantown, MD, where we can always find small delights that draw us more consciously into God’s amazing diversity.
This labyrinth, tucked into the crest of a wooded hill, invites us to slow down.

Jenny’s Tree was planted in 1977 by Doug and Joan Dodge, in memory of their toddler daughter and now shades a bench above the Lake of the Saints.

Seekers is also a partner in Still Point Mountain Retreat, a log cabin on 30 wooded acres with a large pond, which is a space for quiet retreat, nature appreciation, exploration, prayer, family connection, and group engagement.

Still Point is adjacent to Rolling Ridge Foundation’s 1400-acre nature preserve near Charles Town, WV, which includes the Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center.