Peace and Justice Prayers

Each Sunday morning, bridging our informal gathering time, during which we share from our lives, and our formal worship time, a different person, usually from Seekers, offers a prayer for peace and justice.  Each person chooses what to say, with no prompting or guidance from the coordinator other than to be brief, prayerful and focused on peace and justice.  On this page, we offer the text of some of those prayers.

A Prayer for God’s Help in Sowing the Seeds of Peace

Praying for Peace and Justice on May 5, 2024 Let us pray: Creating Spirit, how can we create with you?  We confess that we don’t seem to be doing a very good job.  Our world is full of heartache and fear, of hunger and need, of violence and greed.  So many thousands of us are running for our lives, unable to feed and protect even our children. Show us how we can achieve true peace, not just the absence of violence.  Our means toward peace are like seeds.  If we want corn, we don’t plant tomatoes, we plant corn.  If we want healthy food, we don’t…

A Prayer for Unity and Civility as We Promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Our Institutions, Organizations and in Our Human Family

Praying for Peace and Justice on March 10, 2024 Holy one, we know that there is no peace without justice.  We ask: hear your people’s prayer.  Inspire a spirit of cooperation among all people that we may restore a desire for promoting the common good, along with non-violence, justice and peace. We pray for unity and civility within governments, organizations and within the human family as we seek to implement changes that lead to diversity, equity and inclusion. May we demonstrate compassion that incorporates the seeing, hearing, and honoring others and using that compassion to spread healing energy and to…

A Prayer for the Wisdom and Strength to Practice Justice and Peace

Praying for Peace and Justice on April 7, 2024 Holy One, we come before you today with hearts heavy from the injustices and acts of violence all over the earth that you created for all of us. Virtually every conflict arises from an issue of racism. You sent Jesus, and other prophets and leaders to teach all people the ways you would have us follow. Some of us gathered here are carrying a particular burden of fear and heartbreak because of the horrific violence in Israel and Gaza. Some of us have friends and family on one side or the…

A Prayer for Courage to Seek Justice for Transgender People

Praying for Peace and Justice on May 7, 2023 Let us pray. Holy One, we learn from the Bible that we are made in your image and so when we look around, we have to notice that you have many images including those that defy gender specification.  Our trans brothers and sisters need your help and we need your help in making our voices heard on their behalf, in seeing them, in respecting them, in loving them.  May it be so.  Amen. Background In 1997, Pat Conover preached a sermon at Seekers coming out as a transgender person.  Pat received…

A Prayer for Body Autonomy and Reproductive Justice for the Women of the United States

Peace and Justice Prayer for March 3, 2024 Let us pray. Holy One, I am scared. The women of America are scared. We are slowly losing hard won rights to decide for ourselves what we want to happen to our bodies. We are once again becoming the second class citizens we were some fifty years ago. With a pen stroke our rights were stripped from us by the Supreme Court, our ability to get IVF treatments was destroyed in Alabama, in Florida and Texas and other places we are prevented from getting reproductive medical care to save our own lives….