Peace and Justice Prayers

Each Sunday morning, bridging our informal gathering time, during which we share from our lives, and our formal worship time, a different person, usually from Seekers, offers a prayer for peace and justice.  Each person chooses what to say, with no prompting or guidance from the coordinator other than to be brief, prayerful and focused on peace and justice.  On this page, we offer the text of some of those prayers.

A Prayer for the End of Nuclear Weapons and the End of War

Praying for Peace and Justice on June 9, 2024 Holy One, hear our prayer that the use of nuclear weapons is dismissed by all humanity as a way to wage war. And Holy One, while we’re at it, we pray that there is war no more.  May it be so, Amen. Background: Yesterday the news, which others may have seen, contained a story that the U.S. is considering building up the nuclear arsenal again. It’s true that countries with whom we are in conflict have nuclear arsenals, and threaten to use them. I confess that the mere thought of this…

A Prayer for Courageous Leadership in Finding Solutions to Juvenile Crime

Praying for Peace and Justice on June 1, 2024 Given my background, my prayer is that courageous leaders will come forward and seek out the evidence-based approaches, developing ways to comprehensively address the problem of juvenile crime. I pray that jurisdictions will educate the public about successful programs and enlist their help in developing effective policies. Background Some of you know, but I think most do not, I worked on juvenile justice issues at the Federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), US Department of Justice for 25 years before retiring in January 2002.  I am concerned that…

Prayer for Ending War

Praying for Peace and Justice on May 19, 2024 The Last Laugh ‘O Jesus Christ! I’m hit,’ he said; and died.
Whether he vainly cursed or prayed indeed, …( Prayer: Holy One, please help us to remember what war really is — hundreds upon thousand of young lives lost and mutilated.  In World War I, the number was in the millions — and I might add, 8 million horses as well.  Please help us repent our continued cooperation in this, the worst sin we commit.  Amen.

Prayer for a Climate for Love of Creation

Praying for Peace and Justice on May 26, 2024 My heart sank when I read some news this week about the impacts of climate change wrought upon Earth. To name and face the suffering in our world is an act of courage says Buddhist Thich Nhat Hahn, an act expressed by those dedicated to the healing of the world, as we are. [Pause and take a breath.] [Pause and take a breath.] And lastly, but certainly not all there is: Indeed we are called to become artisans and caretakers. As if the Holy One, Source of Life heard my lament,…

A Prayer for Justice in Our Foster Care System

Praying for Peace and Justice on April 14, 2024 God, We pray for the foster care system in our state and country. We pray that You be with all members of the foster system, along every step of the way, and through every difficult situation. We pray for case workers and social workers, that they have wisdom and tenderness when caring for needy families. We pray for lawmakers and judges who work in foster care cases, that they have insight and mercy for families in crisis. We pray for foster homes, that they would be blessed in taking care of…