Peace and Justice Prayers

Each Sunday morning, bridging our informal gathering time, during which we share from our lives, and our formal worship time, a different person, usually from Seekers, offers a prayer for peace and justice.  Each person chooses what to say, with no prompting or guidance from the coordinator other than to be brief, prayerful and focused on peace and justice.  On this page, we offer the text of some of those prayers.

Praying for a Glimpse of the World as God’s Love Would Have It

Praying for Peace and Justice on July 21, 2024 Grant us, Holy One a vision of your world as your love would have it:a world where the weak are protected, and none go hungry or poor;a world where the riches of creation are shared, and everyone can enjoy them;a world where different races and cultures live in harmony and mutual respect;a world where peace is built with justice, and justice is guided by love;a world where caring, compassion and touch are offered especially for those in palliative and hospice care;Give us the inspiration and courage to build it, through Jesus…

A Prayer After Another Violent Shooting

Praying for Peace and Justice on July 14, 2024 Holy Oneness, author of the Sacred Web of Life,We come this morning stunned once againBy the news of yet another violent shooting At a public gathering. We know that the power of peace and respect for one anotherIs a radical message that Jesus lived and taught.We also know that his radical welcome for all, outcast and insider, was rejected by the most powerful people of his day. Open our eyes, we pray, to seeThe places where WE can standAs members of your sacred body here and now —Act for peace AND justice…

A Prayer for Help Finding Our Voices in Difficult Times

Praying for Peace and Justice on July 7, 2024 Let us Pray.   Holy One, Help us. The World is on fire and at home, we see our beloved but flawed democracy in peril even as we celebrate the birth of our country. We look around and see freedoms we’ve woven into our society’s fabric over decades or centuries taken from us – voting rights, reproductive rights, and a founding principle of our democracy:  that no one is above the law. We don’t know how to talk to those with whom we disagree and some of us, at least, don’t…

A Prayer for Supporting Young People Worldwide Standing Up for Justice

Praying for Peace and Justice on June 30, 2024 Holy One, We pray today for young people throughout the world who are rising up against corruption as those in Kenya and for positive action on climate change as well as our New Story friends who are working to bring peace to their troubled homelands.  Help us to know how to be supportive.  In the name of Jesus who brought your message of peace. Amen