“Growing in Faith and Courage” by Madeline Yates

Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost

August 27, 2023

The full text of Madeline’s sermon is not available. Below are the highlights.

Madeline spoke about growing in faith as reflected in growing in courage. Working from the courageous actions of the women in Moses’ early life, she asked the congregation in the sanctuary to break for a few moments into dyads and to share about a time when we had taken  an action that we could not fail to take and yet remain true to ourselves. We were looking for situations in our pasts in which we could not fail to act or remain silent any longer.

Then Madeline offered a second question: what is challenging us now? What challenge are we avoiding? What challenge or we living into? What is it that is calling us now? After a few more moments in the dyads, Madeline concluded with some sharing of her own about her faith/professional journey and her current work.

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