“Only Human?” by Cynthia Farrell Johnson

July 14, 2024

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Good morning church.  Thank you for the opportunity to worship with you and share a bit about my journey.

Please pray with me:  May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to you, Gracious God, our Rock and Our Redeemer.  Amen

In studying the texts for this morning’s sermon, I found a common theme throughout.  Praise and celebration were at the heart of the texts.  It was interesting to see the many ways that celebrating God could take place.  Making music with various instruments, shouts and sacrifices, sharing cakes and bread as part of a celebratory event, or simply recognizing that the gift of God’s grace is worthy of our praise. …

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“Simply Human in Times of Chaos” by Jeanne Marcus

July 7, 2024

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Last week, during our time together, we celebrated an important anniversary: it was 20 years ago last week that we moved from our first home at 2025 Massachusetts Avenue to our space here on Carroll Street. Our celebration provided us  a wonderful opportunity for us all to hear our community’s stories together—whether we were remembering what we lived through back then, or have come to Seekers since that time, and were hearing now the challenges and set-backs that we can laugh at now, and the expansive happiness of the times that things all were functioning beautifully.  …

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“A Place Called Tsadek” by John Morris

June 16, 2024

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

In this sermon I want to continue the conversation about anti-Semitism that has emerged at Seekers in recent months.  A lot of what I have to say begins with my father, and of course this is Father’s Day.  Let me say first, then, that you’re going to hear things about this man that are highly critical, but he also had many endearing qualities – kindness, humor, a reverence for education – and I always loved him.…

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