A Prayer for God’s Help in Sowing the Seeds of Peace

Praying for Peace and Justice on May 5, 2024

Let us pray:

Creating Spirit, how can we create with you?  We confess that we don’t seem to be doing a very good job.  Our world is full of heartache and fear, of hunger and need, of violence and greed.  So many thousands of us are running for our lives, unable to feed and protect even our children.

Show us how we can achieve true peace, not just the absence of violence.  Our means toward peace are like seeds.  If we want corn, we don’t plant tomatoes, we plant corn.  If we want healthy food, we don’t cover the soil with poisons.  If we want to harvest peace, we plant seeds of peace.

What are the seeds of peace we can plant in our relationships with each other, our nation, our world?  Teach us how to pray and how to plant and how to reap.

So be it.

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