2015 May Stewards Minutes

Seekers Church

May 3, 2015 Stewards Meeting


Stewards: Marjory Bankson (notetaker), Peter Bankson, Kevin Barwick, Ken Burton, Pat Conover, Cynthia Dahlin, Judy Lantz, David Lloyd, Sandra Miller (worship), Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat (moderator), Vincent Shepherd (angel), Margreta Silverstone (angel), Deborah Sokolove.


Absent: Jacqie Wallen


Guests: Roy Barber, Larry Rawlings, Elese Sizemore

Housekeeping: Stewards will meet on Sunday, June 14 at 5:30pm

Moderator: Ken                               Worship: Margreta

Notetaker:  Dave             Angels: Judy & Sandra

Worship was offered by Sandra, using Ted Loder’s poem, “This Catch of Light,” from Wrestling the Light, followed by reading the CALL of SEEKERS CHURCH together.


  1. Bokamoso:  Roy and Elese

Jim Cawley has just returned from a month in Winterveldt with Bokamoso. The program has grown from 55 to 65 students in the 9-month ADP (Adolescent Development Program). There are 41 scholarship students in post-secondary programs, mostly IT, nursing and social work. All 11 students who were here in January are enrolled in college-level programs. They raised $90,000 while in the U.S. and have distributed $30,000 in scholarships already,

The major challenge has been the unexpected death of Solly, founder and director since the beginning. He operated in a traditional manner, not writing things down. The current staff selected Mmule as the director, and they want to work in a more transparent and collegial manner, but the learning curve is steep for all of them. The stateside Boka Board authorized a retreat for the staff and the staff is arranging to have the local retreat leader continue as a mentor for the staff.

Because the Youth Centre is built on land which is owned by Solly’s stepfather, the Boka Board has negotiated 1) a signed agreement for the land; 2) built a small house for Solly’s mother; and 3) authorized educational support for Solly’s two children.

  • Is there a chance for Bokamoso students to do internships at the Othandweni after-school program?  (Answer) The women who work there are very afraid someone will take their jobs.
  • Is there any sense of more local support for Bokamoso? (Ans.) Yes, they do have a local board, but frankly these people have no contacts. Johnny Miloto, who was connected with the Embassy here, is now back in Pretoria and he is willing to help. That may be an opening.
  • Would raising the rate for guest-house use (to support Othandweni) impact usage? (No answer)
  1. Children’s Team for Sunday School: Trish

Brenda, Dave, Sallie and Trish are currently serving as the Children’s Team.  Then Trish named 19-20 people who have taught Sunday School during the year. She affirmed Dave for good content in the children’s word, and said that would continue thru the summer.  She also celebrated the Christmas Pageant, organized by Marcia Sprague, John Morris and Roy Barber.

Although Paul and Sallie worked hard to make the two overnights a success, interest in content seemed low. Ditto for the two-month course on different religious traditions provided by Cynthia. The Team plans to meet with parents and grandparents about how to engage the kids (and make prep worthwhile for teachers).

For the summer, all children will be expected to stay in worship. Crayons, books and questions to think about will be provided and mission groups will be asked to have someone ready to staff the nursery IF NEEDED.


  1. To New Residents of Takoma Park: Margreta

Margreta talked with the management of the new apartments across the street. They do have a welcome kit and Seekers is listed as a place of worship because of our membership in the Old Town Business Association. There were suggestions about how to make ourselves more visible to residents.

  • Sandra said the Carroll Café Board would consider “comp coupons” for first-time visitors
  • Marjory offered to write an article about the School of Christian Living offerings for their newsletter;
  • Dave suggested an article using the words on our front window: creative, inclusive, working for peace and justice
  1. Takoma Park Folk Festival: Larry

The TP Folk Festival will be held on September 20 this year.

There was a lively discussion about WHY we want to participate, since we have not gained any new members from earlier efforts. Because of that, Koinonia Mission Group does not sponsor this project.  People agreed that Carroll Café has probably benefitted from exposure there and a consensus developed that we should be there simply because we are part of the Takoma community. 

  • Dave and Peter agreed to help Larry with 1) talking points for volunteers; 2) training for volunteers; 3) announcements; 4) scheduling volunteers.
  • Other Stewards indicated their willingness to help: Ken, Margreta, Kevin, Sandra, Vince, and Trish.

Flagged for later discussion:  What kind of outreach do we want to do? What do we mean by that and how do we want to do it?

State of Seekers: Trish and Brenda (SLT)

What are the questions that Stewards want to know?

  • How is the SLT doing with only two members? (Maybe every other month)
  • What members are in crisis or need? What’s your “gut sense” of our health?
  • How many groups are using the building (I liked Peter’s pie charts)
  • I’d like a shorter verbal report on Church of the Saviour connections

Two Stewards to share: Peter and Kevin, followed by Soul Talk.

Submitted  May 5 by Marjory BanksonPresent:

Stewards: Marjory Bankson (notetaker), Peter Bankson, Kevin Barwick, Ken Burton, Pat Conover, Cynthia Dahlin, Judy Lantz, David Lloyd, Sandra Miller (worship), Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat (moderator), Vincent Shepherd (angel), Margreta Silverstone (angel), Deborah Sokolove.


Absent: Jacqie Wallen


Guests: Roy Barber, Larry Rawlings, Elese Sizemore

Housekeeping: Stewards will meet on Sunday, June 14 at 5:30pm

Moderator: Ken                               Worship: Margreta

Notetaker:  Dave             Angels: Judy & Sandra

Worship was offered by Sandra, using Ted Loder’s poem, “This Catch of Light,” from Wrestling the Light, followed by reading the CALL of SEEKERS CHURCH together.


  1. Bokamoso:  Roy and Elese

Jim Cawley has just returned from a month in Winterveldt with Bokamoso. The program has grown from 55 to 65 students in the 9-month ADP (Adolescent Development Program). There are 41 scholarship students in post-secondary programs, mostly IT, nursing and social work. All 11 students who were here in January are enrolled in college-level programs. They raised $90,000 while in the U.S. and have distributed $30,000 in scholarships already,

The major challenge has been the unexpected death of Solly, founder and director since the beginning. He operated in a traditional manner, not writing things down. The current staff selected Mmule as the director, and they want to work in a more transparent and collegial manner, but the learning curve is steep for all of them. The stateside Boka Board authorized a retreat for the staff and the staff is arranging to have the local retreat leader continue as a mentor for the staff.

Because the Youth Centre is built on land which is owned by Solly’s stepfather, the Boka Board has negotiated 1) a signed agreement for the land; 2) built a small house for Solly’s mother; and 3) authorized educational support for Solly’s two children.

  • Is there a chance for Bokamoso students to do internships at the Othandweni after-school program?  (Answer) The women who work there are very afraid someone will take their jobs.
  • Is there any sense of more local support for Bokamoso? (Ans.) Yes, they do have a local board, but frankly these people have no contacts. Johnny Miloto, who was connected with the Embassy here, is now back in Pretoria and he is willing to help. That may be an opening.
  • Would raising the rate for guest-house use (to support Othandweni) impact usage? (No answer)
  1. Children’s Team for Sunday School: Trish

Brenda, Dave, Sallie and Trish are currently serving as the Children’s Team.  Then Trish named 19-20 people who have taught Sunday School during the year. She affirmed Dave for good content in the children’s word, and said that would continue thru the summer.  She also celebrated the Christmas Pageant, organized by Marcia Sprague, John Morris and Roy Barber.

Although Paul and Sallie worked hard to make the two overnights a success, interest in content seemed low. Ditto for the two-month course on different religious traditions provided by Cynthia. The Team plans to meet with parents and grandparents about how to engage the kids (and make prep worthwhile for teachers).

For the summer, all children will be expected to stay in worship. Crayons, books and questions to think about will be provided and mission groups will be asked to have someone ready to staff the nursery IF NEEDED.


  1. To New Residents of Takoma Park: Margreta

Margreta talked with the management of the new apartments across the street. They do have a welcome kit and Seekers is listed as a place of worship because of our membership in the Old Town Business Association. There were suggestions about how to make ourselves more visible to residents.

  • Sandra said the Carroll Café Board would consider “comp coupons” for first-time visitors
  • Marjory offered to write an article about the School of Christian Living offerings for their newsletter;
  • Dave suggested an article using the words on our front window: creative, inclusive, working for peace and justice
  1. Takoma Park Folk Festival: Larry

The TP Folk Festival will be held on September 20 this year.

There was a lively discussion about WHY we want to participate, since we have not gained any new members from earlier efforts. Because of that, Koinonia Mission Group does not sponsor this project.  People agreed that Carroll Café has probably benefitted from exposure there and a consensus developed that we should be there simply because we are part of the Takoma community. 

  • Dave and Peter agreed to help Larry with 1) talking points for volunteers; 2) training for volunteers; 3) announcements; 4) scheduling volunteers.
  • Other Stewards indicated their willingness to help: Ken, Margreta, Kevin, Sandra, Vince, and Trish.

Flagged for later discussion:  What kind of outreach do we want to do? What do we mean by that and how do we want to do it?

State of Seekers: Trish and Brenda (SLT)

What are the questions that Stewards want to know?

  • How is the SLT doing with only two members? (Maybe every other month)
  • What members are in crisis or need? What’s your “gut sense” of our health?
  • How many groups are using the building (I liked Peter’s pie charts)
  • I’d like a shorter verbal report on Church of the Saviour connections

Two Stewards to share: Peter and Kevin, followed by Soul Talk.

Submitted  May 5 by Marjory Bankson

2015 June Stewards Minutes
2015 April Stewards Meeting