December Stewards Minutes


December 5, 2010

Present: Marjory Bankson (notetaker), Peter Bankson, Ken Burton, Lewise Busch, Pat Conover, Kate Cudlipp, Cynthia Dahlin, Jill Joseph, David Lloyd (worship), Sandra Miller, Trish Nemore, Will Ramsey, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat (moderator), Margreta Silverstone, Jacqie Wallen
Absent: Deborah Sokolove.

Worship centered on John the Baptist’s charge to repent and turn away from sinful ways. David offered us a diagram of possibilities for meditation.

For Next Month: meet on January 2, 2011
Moderator…Ken        Notes………Marjory     
Worship….. Sandra        Angels…….Brenda & Keith

Christmas offering approved
Money collected in special Christmas envelopes inserted in the bulletins will be divided equally among
Joyce Freeman (Mary Carol Dragoo, Bernadine Johnson (Sharon Lloyd), and Sara Wallace (Jacqie’s daughter). Kate will inquire about David Dongo’s needs and assess whether to add him to the list.

Jill Joseph read her spiritual autobiography and was accepted as a new Steward of Seekers Church.

Ecumenical Council (Keith)
1)    Stewards affirmed Dayspring Church’s request of the Council to lead a discernment process concerning future use of the Wellspring conference facilities.
2)    Approved Ken’s proposal to pay an equal share (up to $10,000) of Kayla McClurg’s salary for Church of the Saviour business in 2011. Questions raised during the discussion:
a.    Does the Ecumenical Council have a long term plan for CoS? (Kate noted that in one sense, we are the Council, that is, it is up to the members of the nine faith communities to develop a long-term plan. We will need to work further with these questions.)
b.    Agreed that we support a wider discussion of what we have in common.
c.    What is Kayla’s accountability?

Celebration of Christmas continued with pictures and birth stories from each Steward.

After a time for a celebration of Lewise’s retirement from her psychotherapy practice and Soul Talk, the meeting closed with prayer.

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January Stewards Minutes 2011
November Stewards Minutes