2023 June Stewards Minutes

Seekers Church

Stewards minutes

June 4, 2023 via Zoom

Present: Marjory Bankson (recorder), Peter Bankson,  Ken Burton, Cynthia Dahlin, Joan Dodge (moderator), Elizabeth Gelfeld, David Lloyd, Sandra Miller (meditation), John Morris, Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Vince Shepherd, Deborah Sokolove (moderator), Jacqie Wallen.

Absent: Judy Lantz, Margreta Silverstone, Glen Yakushiji.

Guests:  Anita Jackson, Liz Gould-Leger.

Housekeeping: Stewards will meet on Sunday, July 2 at 5:30 pm via Zoom: 

           Moderator: Ken

           Meditation: Dave

           Recorder: Trish

Meditation: Sandra

Beginning with a sip of water, Sandra offered a meditation on the “life cycle” of a water droplet, ending with the blessing of clean water and the need for it around the world.


Spiritual Companions: Marjory

  • 17 Seekers have signed up for the monthly meeting (on third Thursdays) via Zoom.
  • The fluid participation model seems useful: 6-8 people attend regularly and have decided to continue meeting through the end of this year.
  • Each meeting is recorded and the link sent to all who have signed up.
  • At our next meeting (June 15), we will consider 1) changing the day of the meeting and 2) ask whether anyone is willing to offer spiritual companionship to people not in mission groups. [Most are or have been mission group spirit guides.]
  • Other Stewards commented that participation AND listening to the recording has been helpful; it “reminds me why I’m doing this” and “helps me feel less alone.”

Servant Leadership Team (SLT) Review for Dave Lloyd: Deborah

  • The team was Deborah, Sandra, Anita and Oswaldo Montoya;
  • They solicited impressions of Dave’s servant-leadership from the congregation and received 17 responses – and Deborah requested later consideration of a separate issue [see below];
  • They met without Dave to frame questions, which he answered in writing [attached];
  • They met with Dave for further discussion.
  • Result: after 7 years on the SLT, Dave no longer feels called to this role in Seekers. He will remain on the SLT until Margreta returns from the West Coast (she will be away June-Aug) and he plans to continue his considerable service in the community as Secretary of the Corporation, coordinator of Martha’s Mob, member of the Children’s Team, and moderator of Learners & Teachers Mission Group.

Dave spoke briefly about his desire to work out of his gifts rather than the need for more pastoral care which he sees coming for the SLT. He cited an early visit (with Fred & Sonya) to John Westerhoff at Duke, who recommended that a healthy spiritual community has three groupings: children (for a vision of the future), adults (practical action) and elders (for institutional memory).

Others responded with specific appreciation for the gifts he has offered to the SLT.

Defining a CALL for another member of the SLT will begin immediately. Volunteers are:

  • Sandra, Marjory, Joan, Anita and (by email while she’s away) Deborah.

Proposal for Handling Negative Feedback – Deborah

Citing some negative feedback received during the review process, Deborah asked for a formal procedure to handle criticism or complaints from the community. All agreed that Stewards hold that responsibility, and the appropriate “vessel” would be the officers of our legal corporation. They are:           

President – Keith

           Vice-president – Deborah

           Secretary – Dave

           Treasurer — Marjory

Pastoral Concerns – no notes

Steward sharing – John

Soul talk concluded our meeting.

–Notes by Marjory Bankson 6/6/2023

2023 July Stewards Minutes
2023 May Stewards Minutes