2017 October Stewards Minutes


 Stewards Minutes

October 8, 2017

Present: Marjory Bankson (recorder), Peter Bankson, Ken Burton (moderator), Joan Dodge, Judy Lantz, David Lloyd, Sandra Miller, Keith Seat, Margreta Silverstone (worship), Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen, Glen Yakushiji.

Absent: Kevin Barwick, Cynthia Dahlin, Michele Frome, Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Vincent Shepherd.

Visitor: Elizabeth Gelfeld.

Worship: Margreta read Psalm 23 as a reminder of God’s presence in times of trouble.

Housekeeping: Stewards will next meet on Sunday, November 5, 5pm at the church.

Moderator: Deborah                Worship: David

Recorder: Sandra                     Angels: Jacqie and Judy


* Celebration Circle has changed its meeting time to 3pm on Tuesday ( which complicates parking for L&T prior to the School);

* Elizabeth Gelfeld has rejoined Celebration Circle;

* Christmas Eve and the 4th Sunday of Advent fall on December 24 this year, so CC is planning to have a Christmas potluck breakfast followed by a service of lessons & carols on Sunday morning instead of our usual Christmas Eve dinner and service. Needed: a coordinator for the breakfast.

2) Glen Yakushiji read his spiritual autobiography and was welcomed as a new Steward, bringing the total number of Stewards to 18.

3) Takoma Park Street Festival: Joan and Keith

* Joan reported that OMG sponsored a very successful relationship workshop by Kevin Barwick on Sept 14nth. 26 people attended, including a few from outside of Seekers.

* Last weekend, the TP Street Festival gave Seekers much favorable publicity and good will in the community, but OMG would like feedback on whether it is worth the effort. Keith added his thanks for all those who volunteered.

4) Hurricane Relief for Puerto Rico: Dave (for SLT)

Because former Steward, Aeren Martinez, has connections in P.R., SLT has contacted her about channeling funds thru her church in Austin TX. Because those needs will continue, we may do that with our Christmas offering.

5) 2018 Budget Input: Marjory (for FOG)

Copies of the DRAFT budget were sent out by email, to be used as an overall reference for mission groups to make their requests for the 2018 budget. Total amount allocated for mission groups (except for Time & Space) in 2018 is $6,000 instead of $7,200 (2017), so mission groups need to reduce their requests if possible. Please send those requests to Keith or Marjory. Budget discussion will be on the November meeting agenda.

6) Ecumenical Council: Keith

Keith announced the upcoming “Kaylabration” on Monday, October 30, 5-7pm at the Festival Center, to honor Kayla McClurg’s ministry in behalf of Church of the Saviour in the Adams Morgan neighborhood. Marjory will “mc” the event and Peter volunteered to provide a handmade prayer shawl as a gift from Seekers. Everyone is welcome to attend.

 7) Recommitment Check-in verified that all current Stewards are planning to recommit.

One Steward to share more deeply: Jacqie Wallen

Followed by Soul talk.

Submitted by Marjory Bankson

Oct 9, 2017

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2017 November Stewards Minutes
2017 September Stewards Minutes