2013 June Stewards Minutes

Minutes of the Stewards Meeting
June 9, 2013

Present – Ken Burton (moderator), Lewise Busch, Pat Conover (worship), Cynthia Dahlin, Judy Lantz, Dave Lloyd (recorder), Sandra Miller, Trish Nemore , Brenda Seat (angel), Keith Seat (angel), Vincent Shepherd, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove,

Absent — Peter Bankson, Marjory Bankson, Jacqie Wallen

Worship – Pat Conover read an excerpt “From Fear to Hope” from his 1996 sermon and led us in prayer.

Housekeeping – The next Stewards meeting will be July 7 at Pat & Trish’s home at 5:30 pm.
Moderator: Deborah Worship: Dave
Recorder: Sandra Angels: Trish & ?

Updates & Reports
1) Celebration of Lewise before her relocation. This will occur at the August meeting. Brenda will serve as the point of contact.

2) Takoma Park Folk Festival: Keith reported that Larry Rawlings has agreed to serve as the lead, and Keith will be the primary backup. Whether it will be similar to last year’s setup with 2 booths depends upon whether there are sufficient volunteers for a Carroll Café booth. Larry and Glen Yakushiji will discuss this.

3) Memorandum of Agreement with the Bokomoso Youth Foundation: Dave reported that Trish, Roy Barber, and Kathy Tobias met to discuss the particulars for the memorandum and quickly reached agreement. Dave will draft the memorandum for Stewards review at the July meeting.

4) Potter’s House: Keith reported that the Banyan Tree Mission Group of Eighth Day Church has agreed to take on responsibility for the Potter’s House mission. Banyan Tree set up a process to ensure that views of people of color were included in the deliberations and three members of the black caucus have decided to join the group. Eighth Day voted to accept transfer of the title to the property from Potter’s House Church. The Potter’s House will close in August for remodeling.

5) Earth Day celebration: Brenda reported that Earth Day celebration at Dayspring was a success. About 75 people attended the worship service prepared by Celebration Circle mission group and about 60 participated in the process of envisioning the future of the scattered churches of the Church of the Saviour that Marjory facilitated. They agreed that the churches should get together periodically to discuss the respective community lives and missions of the churches. Brenda and Margaret Schoap agreed to meet to plan for an annual gathering, perhaps during a summer holiday weekend.

6) Training on mental health: Dave reported that about 16 people have signed up to participate in the 4 sessions, June 17-18 and 24-25. Stewards were encouraged to participate.

7) Mission Support Group: Vincent volunteered to be the primary representative to Stewards, with Judy also attending when she can. He is pursuing School of Christian Living classes to become a Steward and Judy is also interested in additional classes; Chris Madison has chosen to delay pursuing stewardship. Additional members of the mission group are Liz Gould-Leger, Mary Carol Dragoo, and Richard Lawrence.


8) SLT proposal concerning Stewards’ disciplines: Trish led the discussion of the Servant Leadership Team’s proposal (attached) to delay discussion of changing the language of the financial giving standard and all other Stewards’ disciplines as stated in the “Guide to Seekers” booklet for a period of time so that we may practice accountability conversations. The proposal committed us to discuss our individual practices, our work with each of the disciplines during the past year, and the commitments/challenges those pose for the coming year at the September meeting, prior to recommitment. It further committed us to using the February, April, and June meetings in 2014 & 2015 to discuss these more in depth. After these conversations we will consider whether and how we might want to change the language in any of the Stewards disciplines. A small group of Stewards volunteers will create the process.

This was approved unanimously. Marjory will be asked to volunteer for the planning group; Dave and Cynthia volunteered to work with the SLT. Additional Stewards volunteered to participate on specific issues or meetings: Pat (financial giving), Ken (February, April, & June meetings), Deborah and Sandra (outward journey).

Steward Sharing – Keith shared in depth about his current spiritual journey.

Soul Talk by Stewards

Respectfully submitted
David Lloyd
June 12, 2013

2013 July Stewards Minutes
2013 May Stewards Minutes