2007 September Stewards Minutes

September 9, 2007 

Present: Deborah Sokolove (moderator), Lewise Busch (worship), Pat Conover (shepherd), David Lloyd (angel), Muriel Lipp (angel), Sandra Miller (recorder), Jane Engle, Ken Burton, Keith Seat, Brenda Seat, Kate Cudlipp, Cynthia Dahlin, Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson, Margreta Silverstone, Trish Nemore 

Worship:  Lewise offered a reading of I hold up my life to you now from Guerillas of Grace by Ted Loderer 

Website:  Peter brought us a quick update on the development of the website.  Seekers is in the que for loading the trial site – this should occur in just a couple of weeks and then training will begin of the people who will have edit access.   

Sunday School: Trish first offered thanks to Margreta for getting the play equipment.  Sandra has made arrangements for the safety fill.  Pat reported that that today, the first day with the play equipment, it became obvious that it will take 3 adults each Sunday to facilitate use of said equipment – one to supervise the children as they play, one to ferry them through the parking lost from the building to the play area and one to be with the ones that wish to stay in the building.  Pat, Kate and Trish met with Anna this month to talk about the event on the 23rd of September to train people who will be with our children.    Pat and Brenda are taking the first round of classes.  Pairing experienced people with new teachers and getting people to sign up for blocks of time rather than a single Sunday are two of the goals at present.  Part of the training will be about how to explore your own spiritual growth as a teacher while you help the children to grow spiritually.  Dave suggested finding a way for members to see Sunday School as a place for living out accountability to community.  It was also noted that the children must have supervision if they are in the children’s rooms during Circle Time. 

Time & Space: Keith brought a proposal for providing space to the National Spiritual Science Center on a regular basis.  Time & Space has been working with them for about 2 months.  They have used the space from time to time and have connections to people in both the Divinity Center and Science of Spirituality Community.  They wish to worship on Sunday evenings in the conference room, and Wednesday evenings in the Circle gathering room as well as the conference and children’s rooms.  They plan on having two monthly meetings as well in the conference room.  One key person has expressed an interest in Seekers events, including Bokamoso.  There was discussion about the Thanksgiving Basket Project that Covenant Christian Community does each year.  They have offered a regular contribution of $1000/month for this contract.  Time & Space feels this is good ministry of place.  The issue was raised that this regular use would cause a tightening of the building schedule and that it will become increasingly important for all groups to check the schedule and post building usage on the calendar to avoid double bookings of space.  Pat asked that Time & Space review how signage is done in the front windows and how literature is offered since we have such limited space.  National Spiritual Science Center has some diversity in its membership but is primarily African American women, which increases Seekers’ diversity in its total ministry.  Entering an agreement with the National Spiritual Science Center was passed unanimously with an initial one year term. 

Festival Center/Servant Leadership School:  Marjory reported that 17 people, of whom 11 were stewards, attended Fred Taylor’s presentation on September 2nd.  No overall financial report is available however currently there are only sufficient funds to keep the doors open for 2 ½ months.  The building is owned outright but the current cost per year to run it is $700,000 of which ½ is spent for salaries.  Samaritan Inns which occupies the entire second floor and part of the tower on the third floor is paying only enough to cover utilities.  David identified this as a resource in search of a call.  Cynthia brought up something that had been discussed on the 2nd – that if this is call the staff should come from CofS communities.  Seekers doesn’t have enough information to know if we are called to as a community to be part of solution since it is unclear if we are being asked to be a financial resource or a stakeholder.  Several Seekers including Kate, Emmy Lu, Sandra, Pat and Marjory have said they will attend as many Tuesday afternoon exploration meetings as possible. 

Sharing:  Celebration Circle members spoke about how their mission group lives into the call of Seekers Church by interweaving the call of the mission group itself as a mirror to the corporate call. 

Jane Engle shared about the current calls on her life. 

Soul Talk 

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Oct 2007 Stewards Minutes
2007 August Stewards Minutes