
Seekers recognizes that any member of the community may be called upon by God to give us the Word, and thus we have an open pulpit with a different preacher each week. Sermons preached at Seekers, as well as sermons preached by Seekers at other churches or events, are posted here, beginning with the most recent.

Click here for an archive of our sermons.

Feel free to use what is helpful from these sermons. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and the author, and cite the URL.

Kevin L. Ogle: Sexuality, Shame, and Resurrection Faith

April 11, 1999

I volunteered to preach to formally “come out” as a member of the Spirit and Sexuality Mission Group. Not that I’ve been keeping my participation a secret, but I’m aware that I haven’t much advertised it either. I want to confess that I’m merely what I assume I appear to be — a married heterosexual male. I started exploring with the Group to deepen my participation in Seekers at a time when work and parenting obligations made deeper connection difficult.


Marjory Zoet Bankson: Fear Constricts – Love Expands

April 04, 1999

These Easter sightings changed the world for a band of frightened disciples – and for you and me. They point to an ongoing relationship between the physical realm and the spiritual realm of mysterious connections, serendipitous events and unexplainable occurrences. The bare bones of the Easter story are these: we are linked by loss, called by name and sent forth to bear witness to what we have experienced.


David W. Lloyd: Voices On Passion Sunday

March 28, 1999

As an educated white male upper class American, I insulate myself from misery. My life can become the “Truman Show” or “Pleasantville.” I have to work much harder to encounter suffering. And yet, as the voices today remind me, the voices of suffering are all around me. I only have to exert some effort to hear them. I have developed a moral disability; I cannot hear the cries of the wounded, see their scars, or remember their pain.