Learners and Teachers

As Christians in the tradition of the Church of the Saviour, we believe a life of faith includes an inner journey of spiritual development, an outer journey of compassionate response to God’s call to mission in the world, and a commitment to a community that can offer loving support and accountability.

The Learners and Teachers Mission Group is called to encourage people to take part in learning and sharing opportunities that help inform and support a life of faith. Learners and Teachers lives out this call primarily through its sponsorship of the Seekers Church School for Christian Growth.

Through the School for Christian Growth, Learners and Teachers introduces newcomers into the life and faith of this community; provides the paths to mission group membership and stewardship; and enriches and deepens the understanding and spiritual development of participants at all stages of their faith journeys.

June 5, 2022

Common Disciplines

In loving covenant we hold ourselves and each other accountable before God for these common disciplines:

  • I will spend time daily in silence, prayer, scripture reading, study, and personal reflection in light of my Christian faith.
  • During the week, I will hold in prayer each member of this mission group and those who are involved in the School for Christian Growth.
  • I will come to each meeting of this mission group prepared for the work before us, intending to be the Body of Christ together, expecting to encounter the Spirit, and open to being changed.
  • I will regularly report to the group’s spiritual guide on my inward and outward journey, and my life as part of this mission group and this faith community.
  • Ours is an incarnational faith: I will honor my own incarnation by regular exercise and mindful nutritional choices.
  • God calls each of us to exercise our gifts to create our own lives, to build up God’s Church, and to heal the world. I commit to naming and expressing God’s gifts in me in all aspects of my life, but especially in this mission group.
  • I commit to giving time and energy beyond attending mission group meetings to support and further the mission of the group. This will include regular involvement in the School for Christian Growth.
  • This mission group and the School for Christian Growth exist as expressions of the larger Seekers Church community. I will give of my time, energy, and financial resources to the support of the life of that faith community.
  • We are each pilgrims on the Christian journey, along paths that are sometimes narrow and steep: I will ask for the support I need from others in the mission group, and giving support when asked.

Approved July 27, 2019

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