A Sandwich for Saint Francis . . .

Here’s some news about CreatureKind’s St. Francis Day service, and a great chickpea sandwich recipe.

Bless the Animals with CreatureKind

Our partner community, CreatureKind, sends this invitation to Seekers: We warmly invite you to join us in celebration of St. Francis Day, patron saint of animals and the environment, in a CreatureKind Blessing of the Animals service on Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 at 1:00PM EDT/ 5:00 PM GMT.

This will be a 30-minute service where we will lift up prayers for all animals farmed for food – from the land, sea, and sky – and for companion animals who are a deep part of our families.…

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Looking Behind the Curtain of Agribusiness

It’s not easy to make sense of current food practices in the U.S. How do we — and our government — support the status quo? How could we change?

More About Dairy Subsidies

A little while back, we asked a seemingly simple question: Why does your vegan yogurt cost so much more than dairy yogurt? The answer is not simple at all, but probably the most important contributing reason is that the U.S. government provides billions of dollars in subsidies to dairy farmers to help keep prices low.

Read more: Looking Behind the Curtain of Agribusiness

It’s important to remember that the fantasy picture of “Old MacDonald’s Farm” no longer applies in the U.S.…

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