September 29 Service and Community Conversation

On September 29, 2024, we’ll deviate a bit from our regular worship pattern in order to accommodate an all-community discussion of the Israel/Hamas war and related Israeli/Palestinian relationships. 

That conversation will be facilitated by Aaron Shneyer and Nizar Farsakh.  Aaron is a Takoma, D.C., resident, activist and musician, and leader of the American chapter of Standing Together.  Nizar is a Palestinian-American political analyst with extensive experience in the Israel-Palestine conflict as well as U.S. Middle East policy.  Both are committed to bridging barriers and bringing communities together.

The in-person conversation will begin immediately after a slightly abbreviated worship (we hope this prayerful exploration will be more an extension of worship) and we hope that all will stay for it. …

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A Prayer to be Doers

Praying for Peace and Justice Prayer on September 1, 2024

Oh God, this week, we have been encouraged by your text in 1st James to be generous, as you are generous, but we often are stingy with our money and our time. When we give it, we are tempted to only help our friends, not the stranger, the foreigner, the person of another faith tradition, the person of a different political frame. Help us to model your generosity.

Oh God, we have been encouraged to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger, but we often do not follow this guidance.…

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A Prayer of Lament and Grief in the Face of Violence in the Middle East

Praying for Peace and Justice Prayer on August 18, 2024

Creator God, we grieve this morning for the volcanoes of rage and hatred erupting around your earth.

Saddened God, we grieve this morning for the teenagers and youth slaughtered by armed militants at an outdoor music festival.

Merciful God, we grieve this morning for the scared babies, mothers and grandmothers abducted into strange and terrifying places and awaiting an unknown future.

Weeping God, we grieve this morning for the patients and families who sought healing and comfort in a hospital, only to find more death, maiming and terror.

Searching God, we grieve for those trying to flee only to discover that their world offers no place of safety.…

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School of Christian Growth, Fall, 2024

The School for Christian Growth is happy to offer two new six-week classes beginning on Tuesday, September 10. They are Spiritual Journaling, led by Peter Bankson and Joan Dodge and An Unholy Trinity: Sin, Salvation, and the Afterlife, led by Marjory Bankson and John Morris.

AN UNHOLY TRINITY: Sin, Salvation & the Afterlife

In Person: Tuesday nights, Sept 10-Oct 15

  • What does salvation mean?
  • What were you taught about “being saved”? 
  • Saved from what? For what?
  • And how do we understand these words — sin, salvation and the afterlife — today?

Bring your questions, imagination and creativity to this in-person class for a lively exploration of your theological worldview and why that matters.…

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