Art Around the Building OLD

In addition to the temporary art displayed in the gallery, Seekers has artworks that are part of our ongoing life together.

Mosaic on the Building

A four-foot wide mosaic graces the front of the Seekers Church building. Mosaics represent Seekers well, as they are both broken and whole all at once.

Other Mosaics  — in windows on back

This is some placeholder text and the image is also a placeholder waiting for the actual images for this space

Cross, Altar, and Pulpit

Designed by John to meet needs of Seekers ??

The wood came from the cherry tree in the Banksons’ yard.

Processional Banner and Cross

For information about the processional cross and banner, see the sermon “A Cross and a Banner” by Deborah Sokolove

This is more information about these two images..



Memory Wall


This is a bunch of text about the memory wall

Here is another view of the memory wall, looking down from the main floor.


Nullam dictum, risus id maximus euismod, turpis magna tristique ipsum, et condimentum turpis sem suscipit risus. I

n sed auctor dolor. Pellentesque auctor felis quis elit viverra ullamcorper. Nulla orci sem, vehicula in lectus in, blandit molestie ipsum. Praesent eu ipsum velit. Integer molestie odio velit, non facilisis purus placerat at. Pellentesque venenatis vulputate neque sed facilisis. Suspendisse eu nisl quis felis rutrum lacinia. Nullam venenatis blandit mauris, eu hendrerit velit feugiat at. Donec ante lacus, consequat at dui efficitur, condimentum efficitur quam. Mauris sollicitudin eleifend dui nec vulputate.




Stairwell Banners, Altar cloth, stoles by Adelaide Winstead