Earth & Spirit Mission Group

“Just ask the animals, and they will instruct you . . .
Speak to the earth, and it will teach you.”
—Job 12:7-8

The Earth & Spirit Mission Group is called to support deeper spiritual connection with God through experience with the natural world. We are called to be awake and appreciate the world God has created, responding with gratitude and awe for nature’s beauty, diversity and wildness.

We are called to reflect on, act for, and experience nature through both individual engagement and corporate mission:

  • We experience what God has to teach us through direct communion with nature.
  • We recognize our interdependence with the whole web of life.
  • We acknowledge pain over our broken relationship with nature and joy in its ongoing rejuvenation.
  • We feed our spirits and better care for our world through learning and reflection.
  • We act for the good of God’s creation and advocate for Earth’s restoration.
  • We encourage resource conservation and concern for nature at Seekers Church.
  • We invite all ages and abilities in our community to accompany us on this journey.

We commit to spiritual disciplines to deepen our connection with God and those around us:

  • We meet every other week for worship, prayer, and accountability. We invite deep sharing about our lives and our connection to nature through regular spiritual reporting and consistent presence at meetings.
  • We seek greater simplicity in our lives to reduce our impact on, and increase our appreciation of, nature.
  • We savor time and tranquility in nature on a regular basis, enhanced by periodic group retreats. We strive for the freedom to be fully embodied and connected as part of nature.

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