.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-4781 {margin-left: -2em; }.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-4781 .wp-show-posts-inner {margin: 0 0 2em 2em; } Oh God, this week, we have been encouraged by your text in 1st James to be generous, as you are generous, but we often are stingy with our money and our time. When we give it, we are tempted to only help our friends, not the stranger, the foreigner, the person of another faith tradition, the person of a different political frame. Help us to model your generosity. Oh God, we have been encouraged to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger, but we often do not follow this guidance. We rage against the wars in Myanmar, the Middle East, Ukraine, Mexico, Mali/Niger, and the Sudan. We rage over the deceit of people in power – whether power from wealth or political power. Yet, you remind us that our anger does not produce your righteousness. We need your wisdom and righteousness to hear the truth and speak the truth and to do both with love – love for ourselves and love for others. And, Oh God, you have asked us to be doers of your word, not just hearers. Help us to speak words of kindness and care to all we meet and to keep our negativity to ourselves. Help us to act upon those words, not just make statements. Help us to be bringers of true hope and encouragement to all. Help us to care for orphans and widows in need – both materially and emotionally. Amen. Revised Common Lectionary Reading for September 1 from James 1: 17-27 Read more Peace and Justice Prayers Opening Reception: Sunday, September 8, 11:30am – 1:30pm Seekers Church is pleased to host a show by Patricia Dubroof, a creative aging specialist. Dubroof’s “Who Cares?” series honors caregivers and their gracious generosity as they support the community. Creator God, we grieve this morning for the volcanoes of rage and hatred erupting around your earth. Saddened God, we grieve this morning for the teenagers and youth slaughtered by armed militants at an outdoor music festival. Merciful God, we grieve this morning for the scared babies, mothers and grandmothers abducted into strange and terrifying places and awaiting an unknown future. Weeping God, we grieve this morning for the patients and families who sought healing and comfort in a hospital, only to find more death, maiming and terror. Searching God, we grieve for those trying to flee only to discover that their world offers no place of safety. Healing God, we grieve this morning for those thousands, wounded or robbed of limbs, who have little hope of finding medical care. Builder God, we grieve this morning for all those whose homes, schools, shops, businesses and houses of worship have been reduced to rubble. Fuming God, we grieve this morning for the adoration of revenge, and for the self-destructive thinking that assumes one act of horror and violence must be followed by yet another, even more violent and horrible. Loving God, we grieve this morning for entire populations, deprived of life-giving water and food. Creative God, we grieve this morning for people living under years of oppression, and for people whose overwhelming fears convince them that oppressing others is their only choice. Inclusive God, we grieve this morning for the upsurges in antisemitism, anti-Muslimism and anti-other-isms that are growing in our own country. Sorrowful God, we grieve this morning for our own country’s complicity and for those killed by bombs, missiles and airplanes made here in the U.S. We grieve for those murdered in our name. Justice-proclaiming God. All your beloved people, deserve to live lives without fear of violence. Give us the strength, courage, perseverance, and faith to recognize that we do have the power to break from our silence and apathy. Give us the power, to stand up and cry out for love, de-escalation and peace. No more violence. Not in your name. Not in my name. Never again. For anyone, anywhere. This morning, I will be offering a prayer of lament, the exact same Peace and Justice prayer I offered ten months ago on October 22, 2023. Since then, the leaders of Israel, Hamas and the U.S. have continued to prioritize war, armaments, destruction and death and have absolutely failed in their responsibilities to promote peace. Their callous inaction means that the stomach-wrenching horrors of the past 10 months have only broadened and deepened. Having not changed a single word; I invite you to again join me in this prayer of lament. Read more Peace and Justice Prayers The School for Christian Growth is happy to offer two new six-week classes beginning on Tuesday, September 10. They are Spiritual Journaling, led by Peter Bankson and Joan Dodge and An Unholy Trinity: Sin, Salvation, and the Afterlife, led by Marjory Bankson and John Morris. AN UNHOLY TRINITY: Sin, Salvation & the Afterlife In Person: Tuesday nights, Sept 10-Oct 15 Bring your questions, imagination and creativity to this in-person class for a lively exploration of your theological worldview and why that matters. We will meet in person beginning with a simple meal together at 6:30 and class at 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Led by Marjory Bankson and John Morris. SPIRITUALJOURNALING: A Journey of Self Discovery & Knowing God with Others On Zoom: Tuesday nights, Sept 10-Oct 15 Keeping a spiritual journal is one of the practices that can help us on a path to deepen our spiritual life, become more aware of ourselves, be more open to God and better able to hear God’s love and transforming Word for us and the wider world. We will explore these questions: We will meet on Zoom from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. You’ll receive an email with the link on Tuesday 9/10 afternoon. Led by Joan Dodge and Peter Bankson. We are going car campping again this Fall in Prince William Forest Park, October 11-13. AKA BEAUTIFUL FALL WEATHER! Car camping means that you literally drive up to your campsite, pitch your tent, say hi to fellow Seekers (maybe not in this order) and relax. You’d bring your food and comforts. Last year there were about a dozen of us, and we had tons of fun laughing, hiking, talking, whatever. If you’re interested PLEASE let Kevin Barwisk know (contact info below), as it’s good to be looking out for each other. If there’s an issue with gear, also let Kevin know. Hope to hear from you. Website: You would need to reserve a campsite in advance (we all will be around Loop B)— Site fees and entrance fees are listed on the website. Kevin BarwickA Prayer to be Doers
Praying for Peace and Justice Prayer on September 1, 2024
Seekers Art Gallery 2024 presents “Who Cares?” by Patricia Dubroof
A Prayer of Lament and Grief in the Face of Violence in the Middle East
Praying for Peace and Justice Prayer on August 18, 2024
School of Christian Growth, Fall, 2024
Seekers Car Camping in the Fall