January 2009 Soundings

This issue of Soundings includes:



Events in January and news from current members of Seekers and alumni,.






Tuesday, January 13: Seekers SCL, film, “The Power of Forgiveness” (see story—January

Friday–Sunday, January 16–18: InterPlay: Annual Men’s Retreat at Wellspring Retreat Center,

     co-led by Billy Amoss of Seekers (see story).
Monday, January 19: InterPlay: “A Day to Dream” to celebrate the inauguration (see story).
Tuesdays, January 20 and 27: School of Christian Living, “Telling Scripture” (see

     story—January Events).
Saturday, January 24: Seekers Singalong, Sandra Miller’s apartment, in NE DC. Please see

     Sandra’s e-mail of January 8 to all Seekers for the latest directions to her house from many

     greater-DC areas by car, and also by the Metro Red Line.
Thursday, January 22, and Saturday, January 31: Film, “A Delicate Balance,” at Carroll St.

     (see story—January Events).
January 31: A one-evening Peace Coffeehouse and discussion, Dayspring Church (see story,

     Peace Coffeehouse).
February 1: InterPlayFirst Sunday DC/MD/VA Open Gathering: February 1, 2009 (see story).
Thursday–Monday, March 5–9: Katrina reconstruction trip to Pearlington, MS (see story).


School of Christian Living—Marjory Bankson writes: On Tuesday, January 13, Seekers SCL will

be sponsoring the film “The Power of Forgiveness,” which includes stories and interviews

with Thich Nhat Hanh, Elie Wiesel, Jim Forbes, Thomas Moore, and others. Bring a sandwich.

Movie starts right at 7:30.

On Jan 20 & 27, Tracy Radosevic will coach us in telling Scripture. Plan to bring your


Also, Jeannine Caracciolo writes of another film showing: I thought you all might want to

know that the movie “A Delicate Balance” will be showing at Seekers this month. Showtimes

are January 22, 6:45 pm; and January 31, 3:00 pm.

“A Delicate Balance” debunks the myths surrounding the production and consumption of animal

products and exposes the harsh realities …
–  Why are you three times more likely to die of colon cancer if you eat meat?
–  How is meat production causing water shortage, starvation, and poverty?
–  Are you inflicting Type 1 diabetes on your children by feeding them milk?
–  Why don’t our medical schools teach doctors about nutrition?
–  Can becoming a vegan really lead to worldwide social equity?
http://adelicatebalance.com.au/  Take care, Jeannine


Sonya Dyer wrote all of us at Seekers just before Christmas (e-mail of December 23): I am

thinking about all of you as we complete Advent and enter the season of joyous light. Advent

has always been one of my favorite seasons, and Manning went on retreat with Verna [Dozier]

during this time. I have received one of Jackie’s booklets and have found it a way to bring

a fresh and upbeat theme to my reflection time. It brings new depth to the Christmas story

.Peace on earth…Good will to all. I hope you carry the light of love for all the world and

know that I join you in that blessing of Christmas.

Jackie McMakin has shared print copies of her new book with any Seekers who want it. She

writes about further distributing the book: Jackie McMakin’s booklet Our Defining Moment: A

Call to Create the Future We Truly Want is available for download from

www.theglobalrenaissance.org This is a way you can share it with friends here and overseas.


Already a friend of the McMakins’ in England has shot it to friends in Scotland, and Jackie

has sent it to a friend in New Zealand. If you’re inclined, wing it around to your friends

and let’s see what happens.” Jackie hopes that her book will lead to action in the urgent

areas of “planet, poverty, peace, and purpose.”


Sandra Miller writes: It is my pleasure to pass on the following [Jan. 1 e-mail]: “Please

convey my good wishes to all the wonderful friends at Seekers. I hope everyone had a great

Christmas. much love, Zeenut”

[Zeenut Ziad preached at Seekers recently, discussing her background as a Muslim who grew up

in friendship with those around her of every faith.]

Dot Cresswell—Keith Seat sent these e-mails to all Seekers: All— this follows news of Dot’s

stroke that I forwarded to Stewards earlier today. It’s wonderful that Dot was able to be

with so many C of S friends at 2025 just a couple weeks ago [at the service of farewell to

2025 and to Gordon’s preaching mission]. Hugs, Keith

[e-mail from C of S, December 31:] “Dot Cresswell’s Homegoing—Please share with all in your

network that Dot Cresswell, founding member and spiritual beacon, passed gently and with

great ease into God’s arms at 11:11 this morning. Frank and family were with her, and all

are feeling held by the prayers and love of this community.”

A memorial service was held at 2:00 p.m. at 2025 Massachusetts Ave., on Sunday, January 4;

and a second celebration/remembrance of Dot was held on January 7 at the Potter’s House

during the regular worship of Potter’s House and Jubilee Churches.

Hours when C of S is open currently: Kayla McClurg writes: During the transitional weeks

ahead, the Cof S office at 2025 will remain open M–F, 9:30–3:00. Sunday morning worship is

on hiatus during the month of January but will resume on Sunday, February 1, 11:30 a.m., for

as long as the building is available. Same phone number, 202-387-1617.


Love to all, Kayla

Photos of the C of S farewell/looking forward service: On December 29, Keith Seat sent all

Seekers an e-mail with a link to many photos of the service (including photos of Dot

Cresswell). At the link, they are viewable as an album or slide show.

The Ogle/Siciliano household—Kevin Ogle writes: We have written our first holiday “update”

letter in 7 years…if you haven’t reached your quota of such this season and would like

your own electronic copy let me know…We certainly have appreciated Seekers prayer support,

hosting Nate’s baptism, and Christmas Eve services in the year and a half covered in the

letter! casnklo@erols.com

Marjory Bankson writes—Phoebe Girard (former Seeker, currently living in Santa Fe) is

looking for housing January 19 for a woman who is coming for the Presbyterian Peace Witness.

If you can help, would you contact Phoebe directly? She’s at phoebesf@comcast.net

On January 5, the Washington Post published an article on the ending of Gordon’s preaching

mission at 2025, as well as about 2025 itself—also including a summary of C of S’s beliefs

and outlook, an interview with Gordon, and a mention of C of S missions and their influence

on DC. Kathy Tobias sends a link to this article:


On January 6, Margreta Silverstone sent a notice about another Post article concerning her

and Jeffrey’s son Oslin and Jacqie Wallen’s grandchildren: Some of you may be aware of

changes that will happen on Philadelphia Ave. and the Takoma Park Elementary School. The

adjustment has meant that the day care which Oslin, Tommy, and India have used must move.

There is a story about this in the Washington Post today and a photo here [Oslin is in the



Will Ramsey writes about a possible group-living community: If you have any interest in

participating in purchasing and/or helping to create a group community living arrangement in

a large house in Takoma Park, please email me or give me a call. I am looking for others who

have a similar interest and vision. As some of you may know, I am interested in creating a

community home, which may or may not include a bed and breakfast, depending on what evolves

from the people who live there. The house is “somewhat” in bank receivership and may sell

for an incredible reduction in cost (perhaps up to 50%) I am looking for a venture but want

to do it with others. I am happy to share my call and vision statement as it evolves.


(301-455-1256 cell, 301-270-3305 home)


Keith Seat forwards a message from Kip Landon and Jennifer Goode of Dayspring: “In the Name

of Peace” (a group of Dayspring people interested in issues of peace and justice) is

planning a gathering at Dayspring Church on Saturday January 31st from 7 to 9 pm, and we are

hoping you would like to join us. This event is planned in the style of the coffeehouse of

an earlier age to listen to music and discuss issues of peace and justice. Please come if

you can for an evening of music and melody, cookies and coffee, and a chance to discuss your

dreams and frustrations concerning matters of justice and peace.

A new administration is coming to town, and in the air are signs of new possibilities. Here

is a chance to come to understanding among ourselves, draw new energy, and forge dreams of a

more peaceable world.

Blair Pettyjohn will be providing music.

If you need help with transportation, please contact me, Jen Goode (301-340-1144), and I’ll

try to help arrange car pools.


Jeannine Caracciolo sent all Seekers an e-mail on January 3, forwarding a message from the

Polaris Project, working against human trafficking—which is included in Seekers’ giving

recipients. See her e-mail.

“Recession and Recovery”—On December 29, Trish Nemore sent all Seekers an e-mail with a

summary and several links from the Urban Institute on the recession, possible recovery,

poverty, and related topics. Trish also sent another e-mail from Urban Institute about a

discussion on the recession and poverty, which can currently be seen as a webcast (see her

e-mail for that link).

Ruth Alice White (ruth.folkfan@gmail.com) sent all Seekers a December 29 e-mail about an

interfaith service celebrating Martin Luther King, taking place on Monday, January 19, in



Richard Lawrence writes: Late this March, the victims of hurricane Katrina have to give up

their FEMA trailers ,so there is a rush to rebuild or repair as many homes as possible.

Would you like an opportunity to join a Seekers-led team which will travel to the small

village of Pearlington, MS near the Gulf coast Mar 5–9? Right now the team includes Kevin

Barwick and two family members, Glen Yakushiji, Billy Amoss and I. Several others are

interested. There is something very positive and right about these trips as most of this

year’s team are “returnees!”

The team will build housing for folks still severely impacted financially and

psychologically by the hurricane. The local coordinator is tentatively planning on us

finishing a house that volunteers are currently rebuilding, leaving us the doors, windows,

cabinets, etc., to install. Skilled volunteers and knowledgeable helpers are needed. As

before, a key benefit will be the time we spend getting to know the locals, hearing their

stories of how it was during Katrina and how they have coped since then. They are eager to

be heard.

The cost of the trip has been minimized. The expenses are $230 for airfare plus $5/night for

a bunk and some meals. It would be great to have other people be a part of this experience!

Please call me if you or anyone you know has any level of interest. Seekers is providing

money for various expenses, so let me know if you could use financial assistance.


Richard Lawrence (c) 703-405-7585


InterPlay is a practice and philosophy, rooted in the power of play, that helps us unlock

the wisdom of the body. InterPlay’s creative process uses easy-to-learn forms of movement,

storytelling and voice that anyone can do. It balances experiences with reflection and

solo/group activities. InterPlay is dedicated to helping the whole person thrive: body,

mind, heart and spirit. It was created by Cynthia Winton-Henry and Phil Porter and is

practiced throughout the world.

Kate Amoss writes: It is time to sign up for the Fourth Annual InterPlay Men’s Retreat

January 16–18. See the information below.

And join us on January 19, the day before the inauguration, with an InterPlay “Day to

Dream.” Masankho Banda, Tom Henderson, and Virginia (Ginny) Going will all be with us.


Enjoy, Kate

Next First Sunday DC/MD/VA Open Gathering: February 1, 2009 (Call Sue at 703-641-5963)

4th Annual InterPlay Men’s Retreat
January 16 – 18, 2009
Making Contact/Telling Our Stories:


Our stories exist not only in our heads but in every part of our bodies.

This fourth annual InterPlay retreat for men is an opportunity to engage each other in

well-defined physical contact and weave stories from our daily experiences. We will use the

safe, incremental forms of InterPlay to play with weight sharing, shape making and stillness

and reconnect with our physicality as men. Voice, movement, and stillness will be the tools

that allow us to tell our stories in the moment and make the ordinary stuff of life


Please join us to reaffirm our desires, our dreams, and the satisfaction of living in a

whole-bodied way. No previous  InterPlay experience is required.

Where: Wellspring Conference Center, 11411 Neelsville Church Road, Germantown, MD 20876;

Phone: (301) 428-3373. Wellspring is a beautiful retreat center on 210 acres of woods,

streams, ponds, and meadows.

When: From Friday evening, January 16, 6:00 pm (including dinner) to Sunday, January 18,

1:00 pm, (including lunch)

Cost: $235.00 per person, which includes 6 meals, comfortable overnight accommodations for 2

nights (2 people per room), and leadership provided by Tom Henderson and Billy Amoss. To

reserve your space, please make a deposit of $50.00 to Interplay DC and mail it to Sue

Johnson, 7818 Byrds Nest Pass, Annandale, VA 22003.

Contact: Billy Amoss. E-mail: bamoss@rostropovich.org; telephone: 202-258-1539

About the Retreat Leaders:
Tom Henderson is a certified InterPlay teacher and regional leader in the Raleigh, NC, area.

With his wife, Ginny Going, he is co-owner of Colleagues, providing consulting services to

businesses, nonprofits, and religious organizations. Tom and Ginny also codirect the Off the

Deep End Ensemble, an InterPlay performance group based in Raleigh, NC. Tom retired in 1994

after 25 years in the pharmaceutical industry as a Ph.D. chemist, manager, and technical


Billy Amoss is a certified InterPlay leader in the Washington, DC area. He has led retreats

for men on leading a more embodied life, and he and his wife Kate lead the InterPlay Life

Practice Program in the Washington, DC, area. Billy is the executive director of the

Rostropovich Foundation, a DC-based non-profit organization that finances and manages

international children’s health programs.