“Being Indigenous: A Way of Life to Heal Earth & Each Other” and “Full of the Holy Spirit” are the topics of two courses offered in the School for Christian growth Feb. 4 – Mar 11
Being Indigenous: A Way of Life to Heal Earth & Each Other
Leaders: Kolya Braun-Greiner and Lucy Slater
Tuesdays: Feb. 4-March 11 – In Person with simple meal at 6:30, class 7-8:30pm
What does being indigenous mean? How does that differ from the dominant Western culture? How is that dominant culture at odds with our own natural (indigenous) relationships with Earth? Together we’ll explore how being indigenous is consistent with the roots of our faith. How can we be in solidarity with indigenous peoples and with Earth?
We’ll draw upon chapters of Penobscot lawyer, Sherri Mitchell’s Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change. The chapters we’ll be discussing will be summarized by the leaders, but getting the book is encouraged.
We will meet in person beginning with a simple meal together at 6:30 and class at 7:00 to 8:30 pm.
“Full of the Holy Spirit”– The Gospel of Luke and The Acts of the Apostles
Leaders: Marjory Bankson and David Lloyd
Tuesdays: Feb. 4-March 11 – On Zoom, 7:00-8:30pm
Without Acts, a reader of Luke’s gospel would wonder what happened after Jesus’ resurrection. Without the gospel narrative of Jesus’ life and ministry, a reader of Acts would wonder why the Church came to exist. Luke wrote both to provide a narrative of the Holy Spirit working in the lives of Jesus, the disciples, and early converts. As we read and discuss both books, we’ll look for situations where the Holy Spirit was active – and is evident today. Expect weekly reading and some writing assignments.