2022 August Stewards Minutes

Seekers Church
Stewards minutes
August 7, 2022

Present: Peter Bankson, Marjory Bankson, Ken Burton, Cynthia Dahlin, Joan Dodge, Michele Frome, Elizabeth Gelfeld, Judy Lantz (recorder), David Lloyd, Sandra Miller, John Morris (meditation), Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Trish Nemore, Margreta Silverstone (moderator), Jacqie Wallen, Vince Shepherd

Absent: Deborah Sokolove, Glen Yakushiji

Visitors: Pat Conover, Glenn Clark, Ellie Benedict, Liz Gould-Leger, Lucy Slater

Housekeeping: Stewards will meet on Sunday, September 4 from 5 – 8:30 pm using Zoom as the meeting format.  There will be a dinner break from approx. 6:30-7:00.

Moderator: Joan
Meditation leader: Sandra
Recorder: Marjory


This meeting’s worship was led by John Morris.  He read from “Prayer Pilgrimage Through Scripture” by Rea McDonnell, SSND.   He asked us for silent reflection.

Status of Consideration of the Servant Leadership Working Group Recommendations

There are 20 Recommendations: 1 – 4 already done and accepted, 5 – 7 reviewed tonight, 8 – 10 having to do with SLT to be reviewed in September, 11 – 16 SLT is working with, 17 – 20 to be scheduled. 

Review of Recommendations 5, 6, 7 – Keith

#5 was adopted after extended discussion.  Vince abstained.

It reads “Stewards will invite and encourage SLT service by those who might not feel called to serve long term”.

#6 was adopted.  Michele abstained.

It reads “Membership in Stewards is a requirement to be a member of SLT”.

#7 vote was postponed by agreement.  It is unclear at this time how Stewards will proceed with this question.  Cynthia offered to draft an alternative policy to allow some flexibility in joining Stewards.  She will email it to Stewards for comment.  Final discussion of #7 will be rescheduled.

Mid-year report from FOG – Marjory

The Seekers financial report for January – July (58% of the year) indicates that we have received 67% of our budgeted income and spent 68% of our budgeted expenses for the year.  Of note: Contributions are at 69%, Holy Spirit Fund is at 128%.  The Building Reserve Fund is added 1 time a year.

Fog meets in September to begin the budget for next year.

Consideration of a Request to Affirm a new Seekers Church Racial Justice and Ethnic Justice Ministry Team in two parts – Peter & Lucy Slater

Part 1 contained their Mission statement, Activities, and Members.

           This was enthusiastically affirmed. Brenda suggested that Celebration Circle could select a Sunday service to affirm it.

Part 2 Draft Statement Opposing White Supremacy and Racism for Seekers’ website.  This consists of 3 parts – mission, work, and ways to implement.  Lucy agreed to have a conversation with Michele about the questions Michele had about the following statement: “Dismantle white supremacy …, Center and follow Black voices & Black leadership, and Divest resources fromsystems that are causing harm and every other reasonable and non-violent means we identify” The ministry group will bring the statement back to Stewards at some time in the future.

Two Stewards sharing: Ken Burton and Keith Seat.

Soul talk concluded our meeting.

Submitted August 13, 2022 by Judy Lantz

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2022 September Stewards Minutes
2022 July Stewards Minutes