2019 November Stewards Minutes


Stewards Minutes

November 3, 2019

Present: Margreta Silverstone (recorder), Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson, Ken Burton, Joan Dodge, Michele Frome, Elizabeth Gelfeld (angel), Judy Lantz, David Lloyd, Sandra Miller (angel), Trish Nemore (meditation), Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Deborah Sokolove (moderator), Glen Yakushiji.

Guests: Elese Sizemore, Jim Cawley, Pat Conover, Liz Gould-Leger.

Devotional: Trish Nemore (and others) shared “An Offering of Leadership” from Growing Our Lives Together.

Housekeeping: Stewards will next meet on Sunday, December 1, 5pm at the church.

Moderator – Ken Burton

Recorder –  Marjory Bankson

Meditation leader –  Dave Lloyd

Dinner Angels – Joan Dodge & Trish Nemore

Report from Bokamoso – Jim Cawley

Jim reported both on the Bokamoso relationship to Seekers and the work occurring on site in South Africa.

Jim expressed appreciation for Seekers support of the Career Workshop in particular and the roles on the Foundation Board that Elese Sizemore and Roy Barber have provided. He shared how he had seen the elevator pitch component of the career workshop being applied by one student when he was in South Africa. With Roy and Elese’s retirement (and the retirement of 2 others), the board is going through major change. Jim identified that there is interest in having Seekers maintain a role on the board.  The Foundation will be exploring what skills and demographics are needed on the board to continue to support the work of Bokamoso.

Jim had recently visited South Africa and shared from that experience. There is a new South African Board with a collegial relationship to the US based board.  The South African board was involved in hiring an outside person (Thomas) to be the manager. Thomas has provided solid professional skills to the role and exploration of how best to improve Bokamoso. Part of that reflection includes evaluation of the student needs in 2020 versus what was needed in 2000. Discussion is also occurring on whether to seek an accreditation of the program (and which accreditation).

Jim noted the cultural differences between the US and the South African means for problem solving. Examples included the emphasis on oral tradition versus written policies; relationship focus versus contracted agreements.

Volunteer support from Seekers is still valued and needed. Volunteers in three ways:

  • Mentors – if interested, contact Marjory Bankson
  • Leads for worksite visits – contact Sharon Lloyd
  • Drivers to take the students to the worksite visits – contact Sharon Lloyd

Jim expressed interest in following up with Seekers after the youth visit about involvement on the US Board. SLT to plan when this topic will appear on the agenda.

Proposal to seek additional parking for Seekers – Pat Conover ( parking proposal is attached here)

Pat proposed that we explore options for providing additional parking for Seekers.  Analogies were made with other urban churches and the Festival Center regarding the challenges of parking. Implications of parking were mentioned (including the potential need for staff support should this lead to acquisition of a facility). For the immediate term, David Lloyd proposed that Stewards might enlist 2 or 3 other people to join Pat in exploring this further. Michele Frome volunteered. Other Seekers (beyond Stewards) would be asked to support the proposal. The topic will be revisited possibly in January.

Review of 2020 budget draft – Marjory Bankson on behalf of FOG

The draft budget was reviewed. After some conversation and recommendations for the changes, the budget was passed as amended (2020 Budget is attached here).

Review of draft of 2020 Stewards agenda calendar – Brenda Seat on behalf of SLT

The draft calendar was reviewed. Dates of two meetings (February and July) were discussed and agreed upon (February 2 and July 5). The final version of the 2020 Steward’s Meeting Calendar is attached here.

Preparedness update – Dave Lloyd on behalf of SLT

As part of the bimonthly preparedness conversation, Dave shared a quiz about safety preparedness. Conversation afterwards was about reviewing the appropriate responses. Both the quiz and the answer sheet are included with these minutes. Mission group moderators were encouraged to share this information with their mission groups. (The “Are You Prepared?” quiz is attached here and the “Are You Prepared?” answers are here )

Finding coordinators for upcoming holiday meals/celebrations:  Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Stewards Christmas Celebration – SLT

There will not be a Seekers sponsored Thanksgiving meal. Stewards were encouraged to invite Seekers without family in the area to be part of their own events. SLT will communicate this decision to the larger community.

Elizabeth Gelfeld volunteered to do the advance work for the Christmas Eve dinner. Judy Lantz and Joan Dodge volunteered to support her and the event. Sandra Miller volunteered to manage the buffet.

For the December Stewards meeting, Dave Lloyd and Michele Frome volunteered to plan the festive component.

Pastoral concerns – no notes.

Steward sharing: Sandra Miller

Meeting ended with Soul talk.

Submitted by Margreta Silverstone

November 7, 2019

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2019 December Stewards Minutes
2019 October Stewards Minutes